A couple of weeks ago marked a fairly momentous occasion for me: dusting off the sewing machine and getting to work with it again. Those of you who have been around here a while will know about my obsession with sewing that started back in 2014 when I picked up a sewing pattern and bought…
A Tartan Simplicity 2444 Hack
I’ve finally finally got another sewing post to share with you! Up until about a month ago, sewing had been on the backburner for me – I was prioritising other parts of my life and spending time elsewhere. I was also mending items for people, got asked to do some pattern testing and not really doing any…
Video: Sewing the Cloth Habit Harriet Bra
So I did something exciting and a little bit (okay, a lot!) scary: I filmed a video! An actual video where I talk and am awkward on screen and everything, eek! I decided this weekend to make another Cloth Habit Harriet bra since I love my last one so much that I’ve already made another…
Transforming an “Ugly” Vintage Dress: After
Today I’m here with an update on my “ugly” vintage dress transformation and the finished piece…or should I say pieces?! Take a look at the original dress and my post about it here. For those of you that didn’t see that post, Revival Vintage gave me a challenge: they picked out an “ugly” vintage dress from…
Sewing: Cloth Habit Harriet Bra
Bra and lingerie sewing is one of my favourite things. When I started sewing a few years ago, I never dreamed I’d be able to make anything that would resemble a real bra in any way – I was doubtful I could even make a skirt that didn’t look like a pillowcase! The project that…
Watson Bra Hack: Bodysuit
I’ve been sitting on this post for a while as I really wanted to be able to show off this bodysuit to the best of its ability but not show off too much – as you can see, it’s pretty sheer! I’ve debated over sharing the photos or not, as I’m happy to share ones like this…