Again with the shocked face, sorry! And as I’ve started typing below the above picture, I realised the lighting has reflected really oddly on the clear elastic between the “bands” on the hold up on one of my legs – looks like some weird attempt at Photoshop gone wrong.Anywho, this post is supposed to be…
Sewing the Maya AFI Bra Review
Once upon a time, I started sewing lingerie – and now I’m addicted. I mean, to be fair I’ve only sewn about 5 bras, 2 bikini sets, several knickers, a corset and a swimming costume (I’m counting these as underwear too) which doesn’t really scream obsession yet, but then again, have you seen my Sewing…
Sewing | Sew Curvy Corset Review
You know I’m always behind with things – so I know it’s just been my birthday this year (well, make that 3 weeks ago now), but I’m finally posting about my birthday present from last year, yay! (Told you I was slow!). Last year, Ben bought me what is probably one of the best presents…