This post originally appeared at Rebel Angel.
On 1st March 2019 at 4.55am, this beautiful little lady, Emilia Jane, Emmy for short, made her grand entrance into the world at 7lb 3oz – and no one actually measured her, so we can’t tell you that!

It’s been a week since the big day, so I’m a little bit late to share! It’s been a crazy time though. I’ll, of course, share the full birth story and lots, lots more about everything at some point, but here’s a quick overview.
My waters broke on my due date (28th February) at 5.30am – right on time! It took a few hours but very mild contractions set in during the day time. We were admitted to the hospital around 10pm, then Emmy arrived at 4.55am the next morning via ventouse delivery, leaving me with a few stitches.
I’m excited to share how hypnobirthing worked for me as I had a fairly mixed experience – the vast majority of my labour being fantastic, but with a bit of a twist at the end – all to come in good time!
We spent 4 days, 3 nights, in hospital due to Emmy having a bit of jaundice which caused her to be very sleepy and have some problems getting going feeding and me being a bit anaemic, but we’re home now and totally in love! Again, all to come in good time, but I’d originally wanted to get out of hospital as soon as possible – within the day preferably – so we could get settled at home, but I’ve now changed my mind about that opinion and think our stay in hospital was very well worth it.

We’ve taken about a million photos of this gorgeous little girl already and had many besotted visitors. This is probably my first bit of downtime since this time last week! I’ve just said to Ben this is the longest I’ve gone without typing on a keyboard in…ever – it felt weird to pick up the laptop again!
Anyway, stay tuned for more. Oh, and I’ve still got my 39 weeks pregnancy diary to share too – considering my labour started bang on 40 weeks, I didn’t get the chance! For now, I’m just enjoying spending time with the most beautiful baby I’ve seen – and I swear I’m not biased!